The Real World GTA V Map


If you are a big fan of GTA V then you might want to visit some of the landmarks from the game in real life. Apparently many of the buildings and landmarks used in the game are based on real-world counterparts in Los Angeles and Southern California.

The Los Santos Landmarks Map is a GTA V map which compares buildings and landmarks in Los Santos with the real landmarks and buildings that they were modeled on. If you click on a marker on the map or choose a building from the map sidebar you can compare photos of the landmark - from the game and from its real-life counterpart. You can also view a small Google Map satellite view of the real-world building and click-through to view its location on Google Maps.

If you just want to view an interactive map of Los Santos and the location of important locations in the game then check-out the GTA 5 Map.

GTA 5 on Google Maps


Today I came across this GMap-JSlicer from GVG Maps. The GMap-JSlicer allows you to view an image using Google Maps, without have to do any pre-tiling or server-side work. GVG Maps has a number of video game maps created with the GMap-JSlicer including The Legend of Zelda, Jurassic Park, Metal Gear and Final Fantasy VI.

I wanted to try out the slicer myself to check if it was as easy as it claimed (it was!). With the release of GTA V and the recent leak of the GTA V map image there really wasn't much debate over which image I would try to map.

So here it is - the GTA V Google Map. It's just a shame that the image of the map isn't of great quality.